Graffiti Workshop – Samstag den 10.03.2018

Nach vielen Anfragen starten wir nun unseren
Graffiti Workshop am SA 10.03., Sa 17.03. und Sa
immer von 14:00 – 16:00 Uhr in drei Phasen.

Erlernt die Grundschritte und Aufbau des Graffitis mit unseren Künstler.

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3 Gedanken zu „Graffiti Workshop – Samstag den 10.03.2018

  1. However, I believe that the graffiti and art scene in Trenton is spurring a lot of positive change. When the event started in 2005, the graffiti scene in Trenton was in its infancy. We had graffiti writers that came into town from Pennsylvania or North Jersey but we didn’t really have a tight knit community like we do now.

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